Praetorian Capital is the investment and risk management division of Praetorian. This team focuses on opportunities in both derivative trading strategies, as well as risk-averse hedging approaches to support Praetorian’s other investments. Using data and technology, in combination with traditional market trend evaluation, we utilize various trading strategies to allocate capital, limit risk and maintain consistent returns.
We also allocate resources to real estate investments and other special situations as they present.
Praetorian maintains an algorithmic trading-based investment fund that focuses on commodities and macro markets using mathematical algorithms developed by Praetorian’s internal investment team. The numerous algorithms created track changing market conditions and structure the investment portfolio accordingly, while also being supported by influence from the investment team around macro-economic events. The portfolio maintains low risk and high liquidity, with a record of positive returns.
Praetorian’s investment team works side-by-side with our algorithmic trading models to support the firm’s other investments and hedge against risk in those markets. Praetorian Ventures’ investments and acquisitions into the commodities and industrial businesses are supported by the hedge strategies Praetorian Capital utilizes to mitigate any downside those investments may pose, further buoying the company’s overall risk profile.